Underrated Tidyverse Functions

The Assignment

I’m teaching an R Programming course next term. Jessica Minnier and I are developing the Ready for R Materials into a longer and more involved course.

I think one of the most important things is to teach people how to self-learn. As learning to program is a lifelong learning activity, it’s critically important to give them these meta-learning skills. So that’s the motivation behind the Tidyverse function of the Week assignment.

I asked on Twitter:

Some of my favorite suggestions

Here are some of the highlights from the thread.

I loved all of these. Danielle Quinn wins the MVP award for naming so many useful functions:

fill() was highly suggested:

Many people suggested the window functions, including lead() and lag() and the cumulative functions:

Alison Hill suggested problems(), which helps you diagnose why your data isn’t loading:

I think that deframe() and enframe() are really exciting, since I do this operation all the time:

unite(), separate() and separate_rows() also had their own contingent:

Wow! Let’s Grab All the Tweets and Replies

I was bowled over by all of the replies. This was an unexpectedly really fun thread, and lots of recommendations from others.

I thought I would try and summarize everyone’s suggestions and compile a list of recommended functions. I used this script with some modifications to pull all the replies to my tweet. In particular, I had to request for extended tweet mode, and I extracted a few more fields from the returned JSON.

This wrote the tweet information into a CSV file.

Then I started parsing the data. I wrote a couple of functions, remove_users_from_text(), which removes the users from a tweet (by looking for words that begin with @) and get_funcs(), which uses a relatively simple regular expression to try to return the function (it looks for paired parentheses () or an underscore “-” to extract the functions). It actually works pretty well, and grabs most of the functions.

Then I use separate_rows() to split the multiple functions into their separate rows. This makes it easier to tally all the functions.

remove_users_from_text <- function(col){
  str_replace_all(col, "\\@\\w*", "")

get_funcs <- function(col){
  out <- str_extract_all(col, "\\w*\\(\\)|\\w*_\\w*")
  paste(out[[1]], collapse=", ")  

parsed_tweets <- tweets %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(text = remove_users_from_text(text)) %>%
  mutate(funcs = get_funcs(text)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  separate_rows(funcs, sep=", ") %>%
  select(date, user, funcs, text, reply, parent_thread) %>%

write_csv(parsed_tweets, file = "cleaned_tweets_incomplete.csv")

date user funcs text
02/12/2020 16:12:48 NathanKhadaroo expand_grid() tidyr::expand_grid() is really useful for creating new datasets to see how fitted models perform on new data!
02/12/2020 06:43:45 sleepydatum anti_join() dplyr::anti_join() is my personal favorite.
02/12/2020 01:19:24 dragonflystats out of curiosity - who are the students? CS? Health Science?
02/12/2020 01:22:25 tladeras Biostatistics students.
01/12/2020 19:15:14 eulerdiditfirst Writing your own tidy verse functions from chaining tidy verse functions using {{}} . Seriously feels like a super power sometimes
01/12/2020 18:34:13 pedro_tfonseca dplyr::near is one of my favorite
01/12/2020 18:28:52 daniellequinn88 uncount() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
01/12/2020 18:28:52 daniellequinn88 complete() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
01/12/2020 18:28:52 daniellequinn88 fill() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
01/12/2020 18:28:52 daniellequinn88 replace_na() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!

At this point, I realized that I just needed to hand annotate the rest of the tweets, rather than wasting my time trying to parse the rest of the cases. So I pulled everything into Excel and just annotated the ones which I couldn’t pull from.

Functions by frequency

Here are the function suggestions by frequency. Unsurprisingly, case_when() (which I cover in the main course), has the most number of suggestions, because it’s so useful. tidyr::pivot_wider() and tidyr::pivot_longer() are also covered in the course.

There are some others which were new to me, and a bit of a surprise, such as coalesce(), fill().

cleaned_tweets <- read_csv("cleaned_tweets.csv") %>% select(-parent_thread) %>%
  mutate(user = paste0("[",user,"](",reply,")")) %>%
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   date = col_character(),
##   user = col_character(),
##   funcs = col_character(),
##   text = col_character(),
##   reply = col_character(),
##   parent_thread = col_character()
## )
functions_by_freq <- cleaned_tweets %>%
  janitor::tabyl(funcs) %>%
  filter(!is.na(funcs)) %>%

write_csv(functions_by_freq, "functions_by_frequency.csv")

functions_by_freq %>%
funcs n percent valid_percent
case_when() 16 0.0601504 0.0720721
pivot_longer() 7 0.0263158 0.0315315
pivot_wider() 6 0.0225564 0.0270270
coalesce() 5 0.0187970 0.0225225
fill() 5 0.0187970 0.0225225
across() 4 0.0150376 0.0180180
lag() 4 0.0150376 0.0180180
separate() 4 0.0150376 0.0180180
separate_rows() 4 0.0150376 0.0180180
str_detect() 4 0.0150376 0.0180180
uncount() 4 0.0150376 0.0180180
anti_join() 3 0.0112782 0.0135135
complete() 3 0.0112782 0.0135135
fct_reorder() 3 0.0112782 0.0135135
lead() 3 0.0112782 0.0135135
map() 3 0.0112782 0.0135135
recode() 3 0.0112782 0.0135135
replace_na() 3 0.0112782 0.0135135
slice() 3 0.0112782 0.0135135
str_wrap() 3 0.0112782 0.0135135
{forcats} 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
{tidyeval} 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
add_count() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
between() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
breaks_pretty() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
distinct() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
enframe() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
fct_infreq() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
floor_date() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
gather() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
group_indices() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
group_map() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
left_join() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
mutate() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
n_distinct() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
nest() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
partial() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
pluck() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
pull() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
safely() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
tabyl() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
unite() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
unnest() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
walk() 2 0.0075188 0.0090090
*_join() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
{janitor} 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
{readr} 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
{tsibble} 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
add_predictions() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
arrange() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
as_mapper() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
ceiling_date() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
count() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
crossing() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
cut_interval() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
cut_number () 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
cut_width() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
deframe() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
dense_rank() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
dplyr::first() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
dplyr::last() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
drop_na() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
every() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
expand_grid() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
fct_explicit_na() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
fct_inorder() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
fct_relevel() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
filter() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
first() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
force_tz() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
geom_count() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
glimpse() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
grepl() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
group_*() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
group_by() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
group_walk() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
hoist() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
if() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
if_else() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
janitor::clean_names() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
keep_all() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
labs() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
last() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
left_join 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
make_valid() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
map_*() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
map_dfr() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
mutate_at() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
mutate_if() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
n() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
n_tile() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
na_if() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
near() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
nest_by() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
none() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
nth() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
ntile() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
parse_*() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
parse_date_time() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
paste() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
possibly() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
problems() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
read_csv() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
read_delim() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
reduce() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
relocate() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
select() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
skim() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
slice_max() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
slice_min() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
some() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
spread() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
stat_summary 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
str_glue() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
str_match() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
str_remove() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
str_trim() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
str_which() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
string_extract() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
summarise() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
tidy() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
View() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
with_groups() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
with_tz() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
write_csv() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
ymd*() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
ymd_hms() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045
zap_label() 1 0.0037594 0.0045045

Cleaned Tweets and Threads

Here’s all of the tweets from this thread (naysayers included). They are in somewhat order (longer threads are grouped).

Here’s a link to the cleaned CSV file

date user funcs text
2/12/2020 16:12 NathanKhadaroo expand_grid() tidyr::expand_grid() is really useful for creating new datasets to see how fitted models perform on new data!
2/12/2020 6:43 sleepydatum anti_join() dplyr::anti_join() is my personal favorite.
2/12/2020 1:19 dragonflystats NA out of curiosity - who are the students? CS? Health Science?
2/12/2020 1:22 tladeras NA Biostatistics students.
1/12/2020 19:15 eulerdiditfirst NA Writing your own tidy verse functions from chaining tidy verse functions using {{}} . Seriously feels like a super power sometimes
1/12/2020 18:34 pedro_tfonseca near() dplyr::near is one of my favorite
1/12/2020 18:28 daniellequinn88 uncount() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
1/12/2020 18:28 daniellequinn88 complete() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
1/12/2020 18:28 daniellequinn88 fill() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
1/12/2020 18:28 daniellequinn88 replace_na() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
1/12/2020 18:28 daniellequinn88 str_detect() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
1/12/2020 18:28 daniellequinn88 str_which() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
1/12/2020 18:28 daniellequinn88 ymd_hms() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
1/12/2020 18:28 daniellequinn88 labs() dplyr::uncount(); tidyr::complete(); tidyr::fill() / replace_na(); stringr::str_detect() / str_which(); lubridate::ymd_hms() and related functions; ggplot2::labs() - so simple, yet under appreciated!
1/12/2020 17:52 AmeliaMN separate() I don’t know if it’s less known or not, by tidyr::separate() is very useful
1/12/2020 18:04 tladeras pivot_wider() Yes! Very useful. I do think that {tidyr} in general is less known outside of pivot_wider() and pivot_longer().
1/12/2020 18:04 tladeras pivot_longer() Yes! Very useful. I do think that {tidyr} in general is less known outside of pivot_wider() and pivot_longer().
1/12/2020 18:32 ElinWaring fct_infreq() Forcats is also not as well known but has tons of handy functions like fct_infreq().
1/12/2020 17:43 rdh_CLE dplyr::first() Dplyr:: first and last
1/12/2020 17:43 rdh_CLE dplyr::last() Dplyr:: first and last
1/12/2020 16:38 IamBugsPotter tabyl() I know it’s not official but several times when starting out I would start collapsing things using dplyr before remembering I could just use janitor::tabyl()
1/12/2020 16:42 tladeras tabyl() tabyl() is the best, along with clean_names().
1/12/2020 16:42 tladeras janitor::clean_names() tabyl() is the best, along with clean_names().
2/12/2020 1:18 dragonflystats {janitor} i love Love LOVE Janitor
1/12/2020 16:29 aosmith16 n_distinct() I try to squeeze in dplyr::n_distinct() to my basic intro. In my experience mostly useful for data checking/qaqc (i.e., becoming one with your dataset).
1/12/2020 16:43 tladeras skim() Yes! Super helpful. I currently use skimr to give students an overview, but that’s super helpful in giving single variable summaries.
1/12/2020 15:47 harlananelson NA Why would you want students who are just learning r to write about some obscure function?
1/12/2020 19:31 tladeras NA The point is for them to learn on their own and teach others. These aren’t obscure functions, they’re just lesser known ones. ; ; I can’t teach them everything, so the more I can teach the meta-learning, the better they will be off in the future.
1/12/2020 15:37 WireMonkey {forcats} I use forcats all the time. It’s especially helpful in ggplot when reordering an axis.
1/12/2020 16:44 tladeras {forcats} Definitely! {forcats} has so many useful functions.
1/12/2020 15:29 foppoli_luca fill() tidyr::fill() - extremely useful when creating a usable dataset out of a spreadsheet originally built for data entry, in which redundant informations are only reported once at the beginning of the group they refer to, rather than in every row as needed for the analysis.
1/12/2020 15:17 SorensenOystein uncount() tidyr::uncount(); tidyr::unnest(); dplyr::ntile()
1/12/2020 15:17 SorensenOystein unnest() tidyr::uncount(); tidyr::unnest(); dplyr::ntile()
1/12/2020 15:17 SorensenOystein ntile() tidyr::uncount(); tidyr::unnest(); dplyr::ntile()
1/12/2020 14:51 randyboyes coalesce() dplyr::coalesce() is so handy when you need it
1/12/2020 14:39 Airrock_TheRed case_when() I personally find case_when(), select(), slice(), and separate_rows() very helpful.
1/12/2020 14:39 Airrock_TheRed select() I personally find case_when(), select(), slice(), and separate_rows() very helpful.
1/12/2020 14:39 Airrock_TheRed slice() I personally find case_when(), select(), slice(), and separate_rows() very helpful.
1/12/2020 14:39 Airrock_TheRed separate_rows() I personally find case_when(), select(), slice(), and separate_rows() very helpful.
1/12/2020 14:28 TooSweetGeek NA unroll
1/12/2020 14:28 threadreaderapp NA Saluti, you can read it here: : Hi Everyone. I’m teaching an #rstats course next quarter. One assignment is to have each student write about… https://t.co/PJH3wqv7aO Share this if you think it’s interesting. 🤖
1/12/2020 14:23 rmkubinec NA Check out the dplyr window functions, cummin, cummax, cumany and cumall. They don’t seen useful at first but they can solve really tricky aggregation problems. https://t.co/aDpXqSB2Vx
1/12/2020 14:12 InflationSquare paste() %\(% makes using paste() easier (among other things). ; I use %T&gt;% View() at the end of %&gt;% chains a lot as well.; dplyr::dense_rank() is another good one that I wouldn't have come across if I didn't know the SQL equivalent.; dplyr::group_[keys, rows, indices] are neat as well | |1/12/2020 14:12 |[InflationSquare](https://twitter.com/InflationSquare/status/1333760840995049472) |View() |%\)% makes using paste() easier (among other things). ; I use %T>% View() at the end of %>% chains a lot as well.; dplyr::dense_rank() is another good one that I wouldn’t have come across if I didn’t know the SQL equivalent.; dplyr::group_[keys, rows, indices] are neat as well
1/12/2020 14:12 InflationSquare dense_rank() %\(% makes using paste() easier (among other things). ; I use %T&gt;% View() at the end of %&gt;% chains a lot as well.; dplyr::dense_rank() is another good one that I wouldn't have come across if I didn't know the SQL equivalent.; dplyr::group_[keys, rows, indices] are neat as well | |1/12/2020 14:12 |[InflationSquare](https://twitter.com/InflationSquare/status/1333760840995049472) |group_*() |%\)% makes using paste() easier (among other things). ; I use %T>% View() at the end of %>% chains a lot as well.; dplyr::dense_rank() is another good one that I wouldn’t have come across if I didn’t know the SQL equivalent.; dplyr::group_[keys, rows, indices] are neat as well
1/12/2020 14:10 PRLPoliSci drop_na() A lot of great ones in the thread so far! I’d also toss in drop_na
1/12/2020 14:09 stateofstats pivot_wider() pivot_wider() and pivot_longer(), formerly spread() and gather(). Incredibly useful in converting messy data into something useable
1/12/2020 14:09 stateofstats pivot_longer() pivot_wider() and pivot_longer(), formerly spread() and gather(). Incredibly useful in converting messy data into something useable
1/12/2020 14:09 stateofstats spread() pivot_wider() and pivot_longer(), formerly spread() and gather(). Incredibly useful in converting messy data into something useable
1/12/2020 14:09 stateofstats gather() pivot_wider() and pivot_longer(), formerly spread() and gather(). Incredibly useful in converting messy data into something useable
1/12/2020 14:04 Smith80D fill() tidyr::fill() is the one that I find especially useful, for all those imported Excel files with row headings that are merged. Always assumed it existed, but didn’t know its name until a colleague introduced us.
1/12/2020 14:03 wzzerd case_when() When you don’t teach case_when, students will go years nesting ifelse like absolute chumps! Alternatively, to relabel discrete data I like to left_join with a crosswalk table so the associations are not hardcoded in the script.
1/12/2020 14:03 wzzerd left_join When you don’t teach case_when, students will go years nesting ifelse like absolute chumps! Alternatively, to relabel discrete data I like to left_join with a crosswalk table so the associations are not hardcoded in the script.
1/12/2020 14:02 Dorialexander lead() dplyr::lead and dplyr::lag Very practical especially within groups and yet they can be a bit tricky since it obviously raise NAs on first/last rows.
1/12/2020 14:02 Dorialexander lag() dplyr::lead and dplyr::lag Very practical especially within groups and yet they can be a bit tricky since it obviously raise NAs on first/last rows.
1/12/2020 14:01 LuisDVerde enframe() tibble::enframe()
1/12/2020 13:58 sebvanliempd pivot_longer() pivot_longer(); pivot_wider()
1/12/2020 13:58 sebvanliempd pivot_wider() pivot_longer(); pivot_wider()
1/12/2020 13:57 kjhealy case_when() case_when()
1/12/2020 13:51 Laserhedvig distinct() Oh man I use distinct() so much, especially with arrange() before and .keep_all = T
1/12/2020 13:51 Laserhedvig arrange() Oh man I use distinct() so much, especially with arrange() before and .keep_all = T
1/12/2020 13:51 Laserhedvig keep_all() Oh man I use distinct() so much, especially with arrange() before and .keep_all = T
1/12/2020 10:28 ChloeFouilloux gather() tidyr:: gather () has saved me many a time when wrangling unruly data
1/12/2020 10:19 VizMonkey add_count() I haven’t seen add_count but that’s a good one. Also keep and discard. And string_extract
1/12/2020 10:19 VizMonkey string_extract() I haven’t seen add_count but that’s a good one. Also keep and discard. And string_extract
1/12/2020 9:59 MattAlhonte separate() separate is pretty awesome and something I covet from Python, so much so that I made a blog post about writing a hacky Pandas approximation! https://t.co/se5O4nR1sa
1/12/2020 9:35 Stephenpedj NA - You should add this founder to your candid interview list!!
1/12/2020 8:04 Guy_F_Sutton unite() I find myself using tidyr::unite() a lot to clean messy data - particularly useful for making unique and informative ID’s for each row. coalesce() and fill() are also little known gems! :)
1/12/2020 8:04 Guy_F_Sutton coalesce() I find myself using tidyr::unite() a lot to clean messy data - particularly useful for making unique and informative ID’s for each row. coalesce() and fill() are also little known gems! :)
1/12/2020 8:04 Guy_F_Sutton fill() I find myself using tidyr::unite() a lot to clean messy data - particularly useful for making unique and informative ID’s for each row. coalesce() and fill() are also little known gems! :)
1/12/2020 7:25 ephorie NA Neither of them: https://t.co/Fbw9RHE3YF
1/12/2020 7:22 Amit_Levinson group_indices() Found myself using group_indices() several times in the past weeks. Great for giving groups sequential ids.
1/12/2020 7:10 ReillyInnes pivot_longer() tidyr::pivot_longer/wider; dplyr::n_distinct; tibble::glimpse; Are some of my most used (as well as %>% )
1/12/2020 7:10 ReillyInnes n_distinct() tidyr::pivot_longer/wider; dplyr::n_distinct; tibble::glimpse; Are some of my most used (as well as %>% )
1/12/2020 7:00 bmwiernik nest() nest() / unnest()
1/12/2020 7:00 bmwiernik unnest() nest() / unnest()
1/12/2020 6:51 BenInquiring map() The map() family from {purrr} was a game changer for me. as_mapper() is a nifty little function, but might be a bit advanced.
1/12/2020 6:51 BenInquiring as_mapper() The map() family from {purrr} was a game changer for me. as_mapper() is a nifty little function, but might be a bit advanced.
1/12/2020 6:18 brodriguesco NA anything from {purrr}
1/12/2020 5:24 vishal_katti case_when() case_when() is one of my favourite #rstats dplyr functions. The formula-like syntax needs more explaining usually. This would be a good candidate for your assignment.
1/12/2020 5:37 tladeras NA We cover it in class. It’s way too useful to not cover it.
1/12/2020 5:20 EOTWorld28 {tidyeval} One more thing that is beneficial to users would be Non Standard Evaluation(NSE); How to send columns name/ column names are strings to user functions.; ; I am yet to get my head around sym/syms ! :)
1/12/2020 5:22 tladeras {tidyeval} We may get to curly-curly {{ }}, but it will probably be after we work with {purrr}.
1/12/2020 4:46 Breza partial() partial() is so useful!
1/12/2020 5:18 tladeras partial() pryr::partial()?
1/12/2020 4:40 dh_slone tidy() One more and then I’ll shut up 😁. sf is not part of the tidyverse, but it might as well be. Spatial file processing that is completely seamless with dplyr, ggplot, etc. I make all my maps with it these days.; And finally, the tidy() function from broom.
1/12/2020 4:42 tladeras NA Yes, {sf} is fantastic! Makes complicated spatial queries and joins much easier.
1/12/2020 6:06 dh_slone make_valid() make_valid() is the sf magic wand that solves random polygon slivers that often exist in data.
1/12/2020 4:20 dh_slone NA Not tidyverse per se, but lots of these cover the ’verse:; https://t.co/lPLTvRO02z; I keep a binder of these on my desk.
1/12/2020 4:17 dh_slone between() I have not seen between() mentioned yet. Are you covering magrittr? %<>% ?
1/12/2020 4:26 tladeras between() We will cover {magrittr} - and yes between() can be very useful. ; ; I am a little leery of the assignment pipe, because it can cause mistakes due to overwriting the data frame.
1/12/2020 4:29 dh_slone NA I’ve never done that and had to start over from the beginning.
1/12/2020 4:06 EOTWorld28 group_walk() I just learnt about the function “group_walk”; My requirement was to store my groups into separate csv files and group_walk() helps in just that in just single line of code!!; ; Still face palming myself to learn this so late !!😀
1/12/2020 4:27 tladeras NA That’s a nice one! Very cool.
1/12/2020 3:58 cote_energy slice_max() slice_max, slice-min
1/12/2020 3:58 cote_energy slice_min() slice_max, slice-min
1/12/2020 18:07 cote_energy n_tile() Or n_tile!
1/12/2020 3:55 ellis_hughes parse_*() The readr parse_* functions. One of the listeners of #TidyX brought it up, and I’ve now used it so many places!!
1/12/2020 3:43 KellyBodwin add_predictions() I think broom::add_predictions() is criminally underrated.
1/12/2020 3:09 lisalendway complete() complete()
1/12/2020 3:14 tladeras complete() Good one! Always forget about complete()
1/12/2020 3:12 alexcookson NA Just used this today! So handy!
1/12/2020 2:34 jeremy_data first() These were less known to me for a long time, but that may just be my own fault :) so, first() last() and nth() on grouped data that is arranged.
1/12/2020 2:34 jeremy_data last() These were less known to me for a long time, but that may just be my own fault :) so, first() last() and nth() on grouped data that is arranged.
1/12/2020 2:34 jeremy_data nth() These were less known to me for a long time, but that may just be my own fault :) so, first() last() and nth() on grouped data that is arranged.
1/12/2020 2:21 usansky anti_join() dplyr::anti_join(); dplyr::coalesce()
1/12/2020 2:21 usansky coalesce() dplyr::anti_join(); dplyr::coalesce()
1/12/2020 2:07 lopierra mutate() Not a function, but I recently discovered you can use .before and .after with mutate() to put the new column where you want it, rather than the default all the way at the end.
1/12/2020 1:47 wouldeye125 nest() Honestly? nest() makes a lot of higher level stuff super easy
1/12/2020 2:07 tladeras nest_by() For sure. nest_by()/map() is probably one of the most powerful combos in the tidyverse.
1/12/2020 2:07 tladeras map() For sure. nest_by()/map() is probably one of the most powerful combos in the tidyverse.
1/12/2020 1:46 iamericfletcher every() every(), some(), and none() from {purrr}.
1/12/2020 1:46 iamericfletcher some() every(), some(), and none() from {purrr}.
1/12/2020 1:46 iamericfletcher none() every(), some(), and none() from {purrr}.
1/12/2020 1:06 PeeltothePithy deframe() tibble::deframe(), tibble::deframe(); coercing a two-column df to named vector, which I prefer immensely to names(df) <- vec_of_names
1/12/2020 1:27 tladeras NA This one is super helpful. I didn’t know about this one.
1/12/2020 1:32 grrrck reduce() Oh that’s cool! I often use purrr::reduce() for this and feel both clever and sorry for whoever reads my code next
1/12/2020 1:35 PeeltothePithy left_join() There are some truly horrific reduce(left_join) statements hanging around in some old code of mine, and I apologize to my erstwhile colleagues.
1/12/2020 1:09 PeeltothePithy enframe() also enframe(); ; DAMN YOU LACK OF EDIT
1/12/2020 0:42 CPumarFrohberg fct_reorder() forcats::fct_reorder()! Probably quite well-known, but its contribution to ordering levels in a visually intuitive way is not to be underestimated!
1/12/2020 0:36 Bouzoulay map_dfr() If it hasn’t been mentioned already, purrr::map_dfr() or dplyr::case_when()
1/12/2020 0:36 Bouzoulay case_when() If it hasn’t been mentioned already, purrr::map_dfr() or dplyr::case_when()
1/12/2020 0:15 tw0handt0uch1 crossing() crossing() is pretty handy and str_glue() can be quite powerful
1/12/2020 0:15 tw0handt0uch1 str_glue() crossing() is pretty handy and str_glue() can be quite powerful
30/11/2020 23:43:53 Luisfreii str_trim() stringr::str_trim() is pretty good
30/11/2020 23:15:32 ludictech *_join() The dplyr *_join()s and, well, all of stringr! str_wrap() can be pretty useful for wrapping eg plot titles to a certain length, str_match() or str_detect() are so useful…
30/11/2020 23:15:32 ludictech str_wrap() The dplyr *_join()s and, well, all of stringr! str_wrap() can be pretty useful for wrapping eg plot titles to a certain length, str_match() or str_detect() are so useful…
30/11/2020 23:15:32 ludictech str_match() The dplyr *_join()s and, well, all of stringr! str_wrap() can be pretty useful for wrapping eg plot titles to a certain length, str_match() or str_detect() are so useful…
30/11/2020 23:15:32 ludictech str_detect() The dplyr *_join()s and, well, all of stringr! str_wrap() can be pretty useful for wrapping eg plot titles to a certain length, str_match() or str_detect() are so useful…
30/11/2020 23:17:52 tladeras str_wrap() Oh yeah, str_wrap()! I had to use this for tooltips on a plotly plot recently.
30/11/2020 23:11:26 ludictech read_csv() readr::read_csv() & write_csv() … (or read_delim() more generally) ?
30/11/2020 23:11:26 ludictech write_csv() readr::read_csv() & write_csv() … (or read_delim() more generally) ?
30/11/2020 23:11:26 ludictech read_delim() readr::read_csv() & write_csv() … (or read_delim() more generally) ?
30/11/2020 23:13:14 tladeras {readr} Certainly. We spend time with both {readr} and {readxl} because I think that loading data is the biggest point of frustration for students.
1/12/2020 3:42 apreshill problems() Ooh problems is a good function for importing rx https://t.co/P4ZR57PgOG
1/12/2020 3:48 tladeras NA Ooooh. That looks great. Learning so much from this thread!
30/11/2020 23:05:28 ArthurGailes across() Don’t know how well known or is because it’s new, but I never go a day without using across() anymore
30/11/2020 23:11:46 tladeras across() across() is super useful!
30/11/2020 22:48:18 Trabendo_daze case_when() case_when() but that’s pretty well known
30/11/2020 23:23:31 tladeras NA There’s a reason it’s well known! Super Useful.
30/11/2020 22:32:24 JKubale str_detect() I don’t think str_detect(), case_when(), and zap_label() have been mentioned yet. Highly recommend.
30/11/2020 22:32:24 JKubale case_when() I don’t think str_detect(), case_when(), and zap_label() have been mentioned yet. Highly recommend.
30/11/2020 22:32:24 JKubale zap_label() I don’t think str_detect(), case_when(), and zap_label() have been mentioned yet. Highly recommend.
30/11/2020 22:43:02 tladeras NA Nice! I am a little {haven} illiterate, so happy to include this.
30/11/2020 21:51:49 trentlikesstats slice() slice()
30/11/2020 21:45:07 cmdline_tips unite() like unite() and separate(). have a post based on ’s talk https://t.co/Qre4ACTRd6 #rstats
30/11/2020 21:45:07 cmdline_tips separate() like unite() and separate(). have a post based on ’s talk https://t.co/Qre4ACTRd6 #rstats
30/11/2020 22:08:15 tladeras NA Nice! Thanks for putting this together.
30/11/2020 22:13:18 cmdline_tips NA the post was written immediately after ’s talk. I believe video of the talk is available now.
30/11/2020 21:38:32 robinson_es NA has a good talk https://t.co/s3LBiZ95tR
30/11/2020 23:04:46 jaredlander NA And herself has the lesser known stars talk https://t.co/80zdiWhIn4
30/11/2020 21:41:40 ameresv NA One of the favorite. Also his screencast are the best. So much things to learn from it
30/11/2020 21:40:34 tladeras NA Noice! Thanks, Emily.
30/11/2020 21:34:40 pj_ballantyne mutate_at() mutate_at() and mutate_if() 😍
30/11/2020 21:34:40 pj_ballantyne mutate_if() mutate_at() and mutate_if() 😍
30/11/2020 21:30:23 nathaneastwood_ with_groups() There are plenty of lesser known experimental functions in dplyr 1.0.0 like with_groups(). Also some experimental features like .keep in mutate()
30/11/2020 21:30:23 nathaneastwood_ mutate() There are plenty of lesser known experimental functions in dplyr 1.0.0 like with_groups(). Also some experimental features like .keep in mutate()
30/11/2020 21:28:13 MikeMahoney218 map_*() purrr (and furrr) in general imo! I don’t know that map_* is more complicated than loops, but I think they’re underutilized. Also tidyr::nest and forcats::fct_reorder
30/11/2020 21:28:13 MikeMahoney218 fct_reorder() purrr (and furrr) in general imo! I don’t know that map_* is more complicated than loops, but I think they’re underutilized. Also tidyr::nest and forcats::fct_reorder
30/11/2020 21:35:57 tladeras NA We will get to {purrr} eventually. I’ve been trying to slowly distentangle the use case so one concept is learned at a time. It’s been tricky. ; ; https://t.co/A6r9jWtsCV
30/11/2020 21:41:48 MikeMahoney218 safely() TIL about safely 😂 I’ve mostly been writing package code recently & am reluctant to include tidyverse dependencies, but boy oh boy do I have some horrifying tryCatch calls that could probably stand to be replaced…
30/11/2020 21:47:36 tladeras safely() Ha. safely()/possibly() can be super useful and I just learned about it by putting this section together…
30/11/2020 21:47:36 tladeras possibly() Ha. safely()/possibly() can be super useful and I just learned about it by putting this section together…
30/11/2020 21:28:03 allawayr pluck() I went for way too long not knowing about purrr::pluck()
30/11/2020 21:29:25 allawayr case_when() Oh oh and case_when() lets me be super lazy.
30/11/2020 21:19:36 ijeamaka_a fct_relevel() Forcats::fct_relevel() and forcats::fct_reorder()
30/11/2020 21:19:36 ijeamaka_a fct_reorder() Forcats::fct_relevel() and forcats::fct_reorder()
30/11/2020 21:19:32 piquergaming hoist() Hoist() - when you’re dealing with JSON (or dynamodb in my case) it’s a lifesaver.
30/11/2020 21:19:30 chrishanretty if_else() if_else (and an example of where you need to use it/where baseR ifelse breaks down)
30/11/2020 21:23:39 tladeras NA Super useful!
30/11/2020 21:18:48 maggiedalena123 anti_join() anti_join()
30/11/2020 21:17:37 JJVenky across() mutate(across()) as in; ; data.frame(a=c(q,w,e), b=c(1,2,-1)) %>% mutate(across(c(b), na_if, -1)); ; or; ; data.frame(a=c(q,w,e), b=c(1,2,-1)) %>% mutate(across(c(b), ~replace(., .<0,NA))
30/11/2020 21:17:37 JJVenky na_if() mutate(across()) as in; ; data.frame(a=c(q,w,e), b=c(1,2,-1)) %>% mutate(across(c(b), na_if, -1)); ; or; ; data.frame(a=c(q,w,e), b=c(1,2,-1)) %>% mutate(across(c(b), ~replace(., .<0,NA))
30/11/2020 21:28:10 tladeras across() Yup, mutate(across()) is great. I do cover {tidyselect} in my {tidyowl} tutorials: https://t.co/pRvC9YJZQG
30/11/2020 21:15:55 aecoppock coalesce() dplyr::coalesce()
30/11/2020 21:15:42 _echong pull() dplyr::pull(), to emphasize the difference between a vector and a one-column dataframe.
30/11/2020 21:20:04 tladeras pull() This is really one of the hardest concepts to teach, but agreed, pull() makes it much more clear.
30/11/2020 21:11:01 apreshill breaks_pretty() I think all of the scales package is helpful; ; https://t.co/s5WMZcWwYR; ; I especially like breaks_pretty and the label functions: https://t.co/PtrVT2R7dM
30/11/2020 21:15:05 tladeras breaks_pretty() For sure. I usually don’t get to scales when I teach {ggplot2}, but I think it might be worth highlighting the useful cases like breaks_pretty().
30/11/2020 21:20:12 apreshill group_indices() Oh and one more! Sometimes dplyr::group_indices is helpful. The actual reference page is less helpful, but this discussion on the implementation is quite good: https://t.co/sD3iauuN9B
30/11/2020 20:53:23 gvwilson lag() I am frequently surprised by how few people know about lag()
2/12/2020 5:54 EvenKeely lead() lead() and lag() are awesome for working with transect point data.
2/12/2020 5:54 EvenKeely lag() lead() and lag() are awesome for working with transect point data.
30/11/2020 20:57:51 tladeras lead() Agreed. The documentation/examples are a little terse for lead()/lag(), which may be why few people use them.
30/11/2020 20:57:51 tladeras lag() Agreed. The documentation/examples are a little terse for lead()/lag(), which may be why few people use them.
30/11/2020 21:07:38 apreshill NA I think in general the window functions could use some love https://t.co/8z9DdvFQgt
30/11/2020 21:10:02 tladeras NA Agreed! I think the window functions are really useful.
30/11/2020 20:49:45 kaiz_p left_join() left_join() and other joins, separate(), recode(), pivot_longer(), pivot_wider(), filter()
30/11/2020 20:49:45 kaiz_p separate() left_join() and other joins, separate(), recode(), pivot_longer(), pivot_wider(), filter()
30/11/2020 20:49:45 kaiz_p recode() left_join() and other joins, separate(), recode(), pivot_longer(), pivot_wider(), filter()
30/11/2020 20:49:45 kaiz_p pivot_longer() left_join() and other joins, separate(), recode(), pivot_longer(), pivot_wider(), filter()
30/11/2020 20:49:45 kaiz_p pivot_wider() left_join() and other joins, separate(), recode(), pivot_longer(), pivot_wider(), filter()
30/11/2020 20:49:45 kaiz_p filter() left_join() and other joins, separate(), recode(), pivot_longer(), pivot_wider(), filter()
30/11/2020 20:59:28 tladeras recode() All very useful! I sometimes do get confused over whether to teach recodeI() vs case_when() - they’re both useful, but the use cases are different.
30/11/2020 20:59:28 tladeras case_when() All very useful! I sometimes do get confused over whether to teach recodeI() vs case_when() - they’re both useful, but the use cases are different.
30/11/2020 21:08:24 kaiz_p case_when() Good point! ; I previously used case_when() for all my recoding needs, but then I discovered recode() and it’s so much easier. Less code = fewer mistakes!
30/11/2020 21:08:24 kaiz_p recode() Good point! ; I previously used case_when() for all my recoding needs, but then I discovered recode() and it’s so much easier. Less code = fewer mistakes!
30/11/2020 21:09:25 kaiz_p case_when() I now use case_when() mostly when I’m looking for a string – grepl() or when working across multiple columns – case_when(A == “a” & B == “b” ~ “ab”)
30/11/2020 21:09:25 kaiz_p grepl() I now use case_when() mostly when I’m looking for a string – grepl() or when working across multiple columns – case_when(A == “a” & B == “b” ~ “ab”)
30/11/2020 21:09:25 kaiz_p case_when() I now use case_when() mostly when I’m looking for a string – grepl() or when working across multiple columns – case_when(A == “a” & B == “b” ~ “ab”)
2/12/2020 0:38 EvenKeely NA (TRUE ~ You missed one)
2/12/2020 0:41 tladeras NA I feel seen.
30/11/2020 21:11:16 tladeras case_when() Very true. It can be hard to see which cases you missed when you write a case_when() statement, much like writing nested if() statements.
30/11/2020 21:11:16 tladeras if() Very true. It can be hard to see which cases you missed when you write a case_when() statement, much like writing nested if() statements.
30/11/2020 20:43:48 Corey_Yanofsky replace_na() dplyr::arrange & helper dplyr::desc; dplyr::coalesce; tidyr::replace_na; ; https://t.co/h9ew04PYcU
30/11/2020 20:46:12 tladeras coalesce() Ha! ; ; And coalesce()/replace_na() are great. Adding them to the list.
30/11/2020 20:46:12 tladeras replace_na() Ha! ; ; And coalesce()/replace_na() are great. Adding them to the list.
30/11/2020 20:32:01 Recon1974 NA do you teach tidyverse directly or base r first?
30/11/2020 20:34:58 tladeras NA I teach just enough base R for them to understand vectors, functions, and data.frames. ; ; You can see the previous class here: https://t.co/4WweuqMSl8; ; The rest is mostly tidyverse, except for the cases when they will encounter base-R a lot.
30/11/2020 20:40:42 tladeras NA I know this is probably controversial, but my goal is to get them up and working usefully as quickly as possible, rather than teach a standard programming course, which you have to learn a lot of things before you do something useful.
30/11/2020 20:30:29 BeltzEcology floor_date() lubridate::floor_date; ; I have recently become a HUGE fan!
1/12/2020 19:17 eulerdiditfirst {tsibble} Shout out to tsibble; if you’re using times series data you should def check it out
30/11/2020 21:18:36 JenRichmondPhD parse_date_time() also lubridate::parse_date_time() is kinda magic
30/11/2020 21:49:37 tladeras NA It is definitely magic.
1/12/2020 4:12 dh_slone ymd*() most of lubridate is magical. I use the heck out of ymd…() and similar, with_tz() and force_tz() take care of my biggest headaches, floor_date(), and ceiling_date(), etc.
1/12/2020 4:12 dh_slone with_tz() most of lubridate is magical. I use the heck out of ymd…() and similar, with_tz() and force_tz() take care of my biggest headaches, floor_date(), and ceiling_date(), etc.
1/12/2020 4:12 dh_slone force_tz() most of lubridate is magical. I use the heck out of ymd…() and similar, with_tz() and force_tz() take care of my biggest headaches, floor_date(), and ceiling_date(), etc.
1/12/2020 4:12 dh_slone floor_date() most of lubridate is magical. I use the heck out of ymd…() and similar, with_tz() and force_tz() take care of my biggest headaches, floor_date(), and ceiling_date(), etc.
1/12/2020 4:12 dh_slone ceiling_date() most of lubridate is magical. I use the heck out of ymd…() and similar, with_tz() and force_tz() take care of my biggest headaches, floor_date(), and ceiling_date(), etc.
30/11/2020 20:35:21 tladeras NA Ooh, this is great! Thanks!
30/11/2020 20:37:36 BeltzEcology NA Welcome!
30/11/2020 20:15:42 emilmalta uncount() I use these all the time:; tidyr::uncount(); tidyr::separate and tidyr::separate_rows(); forcats::fct_inorder(); forcats::fct_infreq()
30/11/2020 20:15:42 emilmalta separate_rows() I use these all the time:; tidyr::uncount(); tidyr::separate and tidyr::separate_rows(); forcats::fct_inorder(); forcats::fct_infreq()
30/11/2020 20:15:42 emilmalta fct_inorder() I use these all the time:; tidyr::uncount(); tidyr::separate and tidyr::separate_rows(); forcats::fct_inorder(); forcats::fct_infreq()
30/11/2020 20:15:42 emilmalta fct_infreq() I use these all the time:; tidyr::uncount(); tidyr::separate and tidyr::separate_rows(); forcats::fct_inorder(); forcats::fct_infreq()
30/11/2020 23:49:22 samclifford fct_explicit_na() Been using forcats::fct_explicit_na() of late.
30/11/2020 20:17:34 tladeras separate_rows() Yes, we cover tidyr a little bit. These are great suggestions, especially separate_rows()
30/11/2020 20:37:29 GenomeGal separate_rows() Yes! Separate_rows is my life - so useful!!
30/11/2020 20:21:21 emilmalta uncount() One thing that really made everything click for me, when learning tidy data, was that uncount() is in tidyr, and not dplyr.; ; It’s kinda subtle, but it was the thing that made me realize that tidying!=transforming.
30/11/2020 20:31:05 tladeras NA Yes, this distinction escaped me at first. I guess it’s like the form versus content distinction.
30/11/2020 20:15:12 kaija_bean pivot_longer() pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() are great!
30/11/2020 20:15:12 kaija_bean pivot_wider() pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() are great!
30/11/2020 20:16:33 tladeras NA They are great!
30/11/2020 20:15:41 kaija_bean NA And although they’re basically inverses of each other, each one had different arguments and different things to pay attention to, so I could easily see one student doing each of them without too much overlap.
30/11/2020 20:11:38 JayUlfelder case_when() A few that come to mind: dplyr::case_when(), purrr::map(), dplyr::group_map(), purrr::walk(), and purrr::pluck().
30/11/2020 20:11:38 JayUlfelder map() A few that come to mind: dplyr::case_when(), purrr::map(), dplyr::group_map(), purrr::walk(), and purrr::pluck().
30/11/2020 20:11:38 JayUlfelder group_map() A few that come to mind: dplyr::case_when(), purrr::map(), dplyr::group_map(), purrr::walk(), and purrr::pluck().
30/11/2020 20:11:38 JayUlfelder walk() A few that come to mind: dplyr::case_when(), purrr::map(), dplyr::group_map(), purrr::walk(), and purrr::pluck().
30/11/2020 20:11:38 JayUlfelder pluck() A few that come to mind: dplyr::case_when(), purrr::map(), dplyr::group_map(), purrr::walk(), and purrr::pluck().
30/11/2020 20:13:52 tladeras case_when() Yup, these are really useful! I do cover case_when() because it’s so universally useful. ; ; And I’m going to cover {purrr} a little bit. group_map() and walk() are great suggestions.
30/11/2020 20:13:52 tladeras group_map() Yup, these are really useful! I do cover case_when() because it’s so universally useful. ; ; And I’m going to cover {purrr} a little bit. group_map() and walk() are great suggestions.
30/11/2020 20:13:52 tladeras walk() Yup, these are really useful! I do cover case_when() because it’s so universally useful. ; ; And I’m going to cover {purrr} a little bit. group_map() and walk() are great suggestions.
30/11/2020 20:06:04 ivelasq3 fill() Is tidyr::fill() lesser known? [regardless I love it]; ; Sharing just in case you haven’t seen this! https://t.co/cpJfD56rxB
30/11/2020 20:06:44 tladeras NA Ooh! This is perfect. Thanks!
30/11/2020 19:42:31 francisco_yira cut_width() ggplot2::cut_width, cut_number and cut_interval to transform continuous variables into discrete bins
30/11/2020 19:42:31 francisco_yira cut_number () ggplot2::cut_width, cut_number and cut_interval to transform continuous variables into discrete bins
30/11/2020 19:42:31 francisco_yira cut_interval() ggplot2::cut_width, cut_number and cut_interval to transform continuous variables into discrete bins
30/11/2020 19:43:33 tladeras NA Ah, very interesting!
30/11/2020 19:40:55 tladeras relocate() Here’s the list so far:; ; - dplyr::relocate(); - dplyr::count() / n(); - dplyr::distinct(); - dplyr::glimpse(); - dplyr::slice(); - ggplot2::geom_count()
30/11/2020 19:40:55 tladeras count() Here’s the list so far:; ; - dplyr::relocate(); - dplyr::count() / n(); - dplyr::distinct(); - dplyr::glimpse(); - dplyr::slice(); - ggplot2::geom_count()
30/11/2020 19:40:55 tladeras n() Here’s the list so far:; ; - dplyr::relocate(); - dplyr::count() / n(); - dplyr::distinct(); - dplyr::glimpse(); - dplyr::slice(); - ggplot2::geom_count()
30/11/2020 19:40:55 tladeras distinct() Here’s the list so far:; ; - dplyr::relocate(); - dplyr::count() / n(); - dplyr::distinct(); - dplyr::glimpse(); - dplyr::slice(); - ggplot2::geom_count()
30/11/2020 19:40:55 tladeras glimpse() Here’s the list so far:; ; - dplyr::relocate(); - dplyr::count() / n(); - dplyr::distinct(); - dplyr::glimpse(); - dplyr::slice(); - ggplot2::geom_count()
30/11/2020 19:40:55 tladeras slice() Here’s the list so far:; ; - dplyr::relocate(); - dplyr::count() / n(); - dplyr::distinct(); - dplyr::glimpse(); - dplyr::slice(); - ggplot2::geom_count()
30/11/2020 19:40:55 tladeras geom_count() Here’s the list so far:; ; - dplyr::relocate(); - dplyr::count() / n(); - dplyr::distinct(); - dplyr::glimpse(); - dplyr::slice(); - ggplot2::geom_count()
1/12/2020 17:06 robbins_ave add_count() dplyr::add_count() is often useful
1/12/2020 14:23 delaBJL stat_summary ggplot2::stat_summary is fun; ; I use a lot of the stringr functions, str_remove(), str_detect(); ; pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() are fairly simple to grok and are incredibly useful
1/12/2020 14:23 delaBJL str_remove() ggplot2::stat_summary is fun; ; I use a lot of the stringr functions, str_remove(), str_detect(); ; pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() are fairly simple to grok and are incredibly useful
1/12/2020 14:23 delaBJL str_detect() ggplot2::stat_summary is fun; ; I use a lot of the stringr functions, str_remove(), str_detect(); ; pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() are fairly simple to grok and are incredibly useful
1/12/2020 14:23 delaBJL pivot_longer() ggplot2::stat_summary is fun; ; I use a lot of the stringr functions, str_remove(), str_detect(); ; pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() are fairly simple to grok and are incredibly useful
1/12/2020 14:23 delaBJL pivot_wider() ggplot2::stat_summary is fun; ; I use a lot of the stringr functions, str_remove(), str_detect(); ; pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() are fairly simple to grok and are incredibly useful
1/12/2020 15:37 toeb18 str_wrap() str_wrap is also a fantastic one
1/12/2020 13:59 GMFranceschini case_when() case_when(), group_by()/summarise()
1/12/2020 13:59 GMFranceschini group_by() case_when(), group_by()/summarise()
1/12/2020 13:59 GMFranceschini summarise() case_when(), group_by()/summarise()

Source Code and Data

Feel free to use and modify.

Thank You

This post is my thank you for everyone who contributed to this thread. Thank you!